desktop environments 뜻
- 데스크톱 환경
- desktop: adjective, 탁상용의
- free desktop environments: 자유 데스크톱 환경
- desktop environments and window managers for x11 and wayland: X11 및 웨이랜드용 데스크톱 환경 및 창 관리자
- free integrated development environments: 자유 통합 개발 환경
- integrated development environments: 통합 개발 환경 통합 개발 환경
- virtual learning environments: 가상 학습 환경
- active desktop: 액티브 데스크톱
- desktop area: 바탕 화면 영역
- desktop calculator: phrase, 탁상용 계산기
- desktop computer: 데스크톱 컴퓨터; 바탕 화면
- desktop environment: 데스크톱 환경
- desktop experience: 데스크톱 경험
- desktop keypair: 데스크톱 키 쌍
- desktop metaphor: 데스크톱 메타포
- desktop pattern: 바탕 화면 무늬
기타 단어
- "desktop" 뜻
- "desktop area" 뜻
- "desktop calculator" 뜻
- "desktop computer" 뜻
- "desktop environment" 뜻
- "desktop environments and window managers for x11 and wayland" 뜻
- "desktop experience" 뜻
- "desktop isp sign-up offer" 뜻
- "desktop keypair" 뜻
- "desktop computer" 뜻
- "desktop environment" 뜻
- "desktop environments and window managers for x11 and wayland" 뜻
- "desktop experience" 뜻